Senin, 31 Oktober 2011


My Experiences in Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang

I first went to UIN Malang on August 1,2011.I went there with my friends ,Fairuz and Maylion .Iwent there by train and spent much time to reach the University,for about 5 hours ,from 07.30 a.m. to 13.00 p.m.I have never visited UIN Malang before.I like Malang’s scenery. It’s comfortable city to study in.I’m impressed with UIN Malang building because they’re well-structured. I have just known that UIN Malang is an international university, i can see many students from foreign countries,such as: Russia,Thailand,Madagascar,Malaysia,and Sudan.UIN Malang has some excellent programs.It requires new students to stay in the dormitory for a year and attend PKPBA (special program for Arabic language learning).I stay in Faza dormitory.The other dormitories are Khadijah al-kubra,Ummu Salamah,and Asma’ binti Abu Bakar.They’re for female students.Ibnu khaldun Ibnu rusydi,Al-farabi,and Al- ghazali dormitories are fro male students.
Fatimah az-zahra dormitory has 3 floors ,it’s located between Khadijah al-kubra dormitory ,ABA,and USA (Ummu salamah) dormitories.Istay at the second floor number 36.I have 7 roommates :Lasnah ,Yana,Erly,Fitri,Hima,Fairuz,and Nafis.Lasnah and Yana are from Madura ,Erly and Hima are from Gresik,Fitri is from Mojokerto,Nafis is from jember,and Fairuz cames from Nganjuk.They’re cheerful girls. Selengkapnya...

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011



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